Join the the Australian Agroforestry Foundation and the Otway Agroforestry Network and at this special two-day event to celebrate 25 years of out award-winning Australian Master TreeGrower Program and 30 years of the Otway Agroforestry Network!
- 10th Nov Agroforestry Forum: March Oldham College, Waurn Ponds Vic. Or stream on-line
- 11th Nov Agroforestry Tour: Deans Marsh District
What is agroforestry?

Agroforestry is about working trees and shrubs - providing the biological infrastructure on farms that make them robust and resilient.
Master TreeGrower

Education and support to landholders interested in using trees and shrubs to enhance agricultural production, conserve soil, protect biodiversity and produce products.
Tours and Courses

More tours and courses coming. Stay tuned!
Peer Group Mentor
Farmers helping farmers design and implement agroforestry projects
Subscibe to AFF
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Join a growing community of practitioners as we build a resilient and thriving landscape; and where we collaborate to share information, improve our skills, and actively work on advancing our collective knowledge of agroforestry and all it embraces.